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Managing Views

Users and administrators can define views in various places in Fortes Change Cloud (e.g. Home Page, Project, Log), and as different types (Personal, Local, Global). With the Manage Views option you can manage these views.


Managing views

Step 1. Navigate to a page with views, click View, then click Manage Views, a pop-up appears:

The pop-up Manage Views


The pop-up Manage Views shows an overview of all available views on this location, grouped by:

Custom Views: user defined views

oPersonal Views: only the creator (you) can use and adapt these views.

oLocal Views: views visible for everyone with a role on 'this' location (where you clicked Manage Views); can be adapted by users with the role Administrators and Manager.

oGlobal Views: visible to all users everywhere; can be adapted only by administrators.

Standard Views: predefined views that can not be adapted


Step 2. In this pop-up select a view and click garbage bin one to delete the view, or click Export to export it as a *.ptv file. You can also use this page for importing views. In the Custom Views you can import a view by clicking Import and selecting the appropriate file. View can only be imported as personal view, but of course you can edit the properties of a view.


Step 3. To edit the properties of a view, alter the shown information for one or more views and click OK.