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Start, Move, or Archive a Project

It is possible to move a project to another folder or to the archive. Depending on your configuration it is also possible to start a project in a folder; projects started in a folder will have no reference to a portfolio.


Start a project from a folder

Step 1. Navigate to the folder, to the section Projects, click plus-teken02, a dialogue box appears:

dialog start project from folder

Dialogue start project from a folder


Step 2. Enter the details:

Name: the name of the project

Objective: the objective of the project

Project Model: select the Project Model to be used for the project.

Start Date: moves the planning in the Project Model (if available) to this date.

Add project members: add users to the project roles.

Step 3. Click OK, the project is created and appears in the folder.


Move a project from folder to folder

See Moving Items.


Archive a project

See Working with the Archive.

Note: Projects have to be archived in a folder separately from archiving in the portfolio. This is because archiving in a folder or portfolio is usually done form a different perspective.